

Initial meetings with owners/managers to define goals and objectives

          Review demographics of membership/clientele

          Mentor owners and managers to the needs and tasks of the Culinary department

          Prioritization of actions to improve areas of concern

Evaluation of Culinary operations

          Facilities assessment; kitchen design and equipment review

          Culinary staff assessment; review qualifications and capabilities

          Evaluation of staffing guides

          Vendor valuation; review of product, pricing and service

Menu analysis to meet customer expectations and property's goals

          Review of present "capture rate" (i.e. are your members/guests going elsewhere)

          Seasonality, variety and balance of menu design

          Sourcing of local food products

          Review of standardized recipes; use, clarity, and accuracy

Personnel search

Applicant appraisals

Evaluation of "Mystery Basket" cooking

Final candidate(s) site inspection

New property development

          Concept analysis

          Review of pre-opening assignments and timetables

          Assessment of opening preparation

Quarterly, semi-annual or annual visits to assess the Culinary department's direction

“JFC Private”

Menu Creations for Weddings, Non-Profit and Corporate Events and Social Parties

          Meet with Client(s) and Event Planner to establish menu requirements, budgets and envisionment

Bespoke seasonal menu designs for all functions encompassing the special event        

          Attend venue menu tastings with Client

Provide recipe support for culinary staff at venue as needed

Cooking Classes

          Custom classes, in your home, for one to six participants

          Farmer’s Market Tours; shopping, menu development, meal preparation